Family Law and Divorce Lawyers
in Dayton, Ohio
- Serah E. SiemannSiemann & Associates, Co., L.P.A. is a comprehensive law practice dedicated to building long term trusting relationships with our clients. Our commitment to every client is to provide high quality, thorough, cost effective legal solutions to their problems. We take the trust our clients place in us very seriously and work to ensure every client gets legal counsel tailored to their unique needs. Siemann & Associates provides services to clients involved in a variety of areas of law including Business law with an emphasis on Employment related matters, Domestic Relations, Contracts, Social Security Disability and Estate Planning.Centerville4 years
- Michael J. Jurek, Esq.Mike is an experienced, respected, and skilled Family Law attorney who is known as a passionate advocate for his clients. 100% of his practice is devoted to cases involving divorce and dissolution of marriage, division of marital property, child custody and visitation, child support, spousal support/alimony, paternity actions, adoptions, and premarital agreements in Montgomery, Miami, Darke, and Shelby County.Tipp City/Troy8 years
- Diane K. De Pascale33 years experience - negotiating settlements, trials and, appeals. Parent's & Grandparents' rights in Domestic & Juvenile Courts throughout Ohio. OSBA bd. certified Specialist in Family Law. Former Chairman of OSBA Family Law Committee. Downtown Dayton34 years
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